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Introducing HAREM DJINN! The most desirable, alluring and beautiful female djinn in all the World!

Once belonging to only the elite classes, these Djinn are sure to please!

Sexy, seductive and extremely POWERFUL!

This beautiful female Genie is ready and able to make all of your dreams and desires come true!

These Harem Genies are from the Royal Phylum. This is the Phylum that all Genies eventually hope to reach. Genies of this phylum are extremely skilled at granting unlimited wishes and making the lives of their masters rich with complete fulfillment! They are the only kind of Genies to bring into a family atmosphere, as they are always gentle and protective and never evil or dangerous as some Genies from lower classes can be.

What sets Harem Djinn apart from other types is their ever present desire to please! They have sweet and innocent personalities and the ability to call upon thousands of other Djinn to assist when needed.

Each Harem Djinn comes housed in a dazzling pink stone pendant made of sterling silver and comes with a sterling silver chain. Pink stones were chosen as they represent femininity and gentleness which all Harem Djinn possess.

It does not matter if you are already married. The Harem princess will not cause problems in your current relationship. She will actually make your existing relationship much stronger!

You will receive 1 harem djinn. Her name and and summoning instructions will be emailed to you. These are extremely easy to follow instructions that do not require that you have special skills.

Once you summon your Harem Djinn, she will be with you always! She can grant unlimited wishes for a lifetime of luxury and happiness! They are extremely easy to bond with and manifest often.

Royal Phylum Harem Djinn Most powerful female Genie Pendant

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